Hi all
I Have been selling TVIP 415 for years now and i will start selling 605 instead now.
But i have a problem, normaly on 415 im connecting a usb memory stick to deploy my settings and so on. Not funny to configuere 200 boxes at a time.
But this dont work on 605. Anyone have a solution? The folders name on the stick is s410 but worked on 410, 412 and 415 i have tried by renaing it to s605 without success.
And another question.
I see thats it´s possible to replace TVIP logo on boot with my own if i use provisioning by web is this possible to do with USB to?
"Bootloader logo
Defines URL of a special image that is displayed during STB boot (instead of TVIP logo). Limits: BMP format, exact size is 1280×720 px. Color depth is 24bpp. To force update logo, URL change is required.
<bootlogo url="http://tvipstb.net/prov/tvip_splash.bmp" />"
This is my current provisioningcode:
<time tz="Europe/Paris" ntp="ru.pool.ntp.org" />
<auto_standby timeout="10800" force="true" />
<tv_protocols default="browser">
<tv_stream type="multicast" tsbuffer="5000"/>
<protocol type="browser" server="http://mylink" api="mag" noui="true" />
<pref_tv visible="true" />
Provisioning by USB to 605
Re: Provisioning by USB to 605
how you do it ?
normaly on 415 im connecting a usb memory stick to deploy my settings and so on
I would like to learn, could you explain to me how to do ?
thank you in advance.
how you do it ?
normaly on 415 im connecting a usb memory stick to deploy my settings and so on
I would like to learn, could you explain to me how to do ?
thank you in advance.
Re: Provisioning by USB to 605
Did you ever find a solution to provisioning s605 with USB ?
Did you ever find a solution to provisioning s605 with USB ?